There are good things at work today. First, Mom is currently heading home from the hospital. Second we are rapidly approaching a very important day! Tomorrow is Mom's birthday! I just spoke to her and found out the exact age she is going to be but I made a decision not to write it here. Not that she or I am ashamed of her age. Just thought I would leave a little mystery for those of you who are reading. :)
For those of you who don't know my mother she is a very little pixie like woman. However, looks are deceiving. She is the strongest woman I know. When I was in high school she fought the board to allow me to be able to buy a boys letter jacket (at the time they would only let girls get the "girls" jacket). Of course she won! Over the years she has been presented with many challenges. I think that you always learn about a person's character when they have to deal with the curve ball that life can and does throw at us. Do they curse their luck and sink into a depression or do they accept their lot in life and continue to live, love, and connect with those around them? Mom has chosen the latter. This is the more difficult path to take. However, in doing so she daily demonstrates her strength of character. I hope in my life when I have to deal with difficult situations I can do so with as much grace and love as she does!
Happy Birthday Mom! I love you very much and wish you all the best! You deserve it!!!
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