October 25, 2009

Happy BDay Daddy-o

Happy Birthday to one of the greatest men I know (I would have said the greatest but E is reading this d-oh)! Hope your day is filled with laughter, love, happiness, and most importantly lots of good food! Sorry I could not be there in person but myself and little bean (the baby) are thinking of you. :)

Here are some things I just learned about you via your zodiac sign Scorpio.
  • You have a sensitive and imaginative nature. Sensitive is a definite as you are one of the most caring people I know. Imaginative also definite as you make up some of the craziest stories/jokes ever!
  • There is an ageless quality about scorpios. Well you did just get one year older today, but you are still goofy, young and vibrant in my eyes. I would say affirmative to the agelessness as well!
  • They need to be vigilant about their eating habits if they want to stay slim (no kidding it really says this!?!). Well Dad is vigilant about his eating. He loves to eat! All kidding aside he has always lived a very healthy lifestyle and he looks fantastic!
  • They don't believe in doing anything the easy way and will make sacrifices to make their dreams come true. Absolutely. He is stubborn and one heck of a fighter (in the noblest sense of course)!
Best wishes for today and many wonderful birthdays to come!

Love you lots!


October 18, 2009


Good Morning to all from chilly Kansas City! I was up early this morning doing some cleaning when I looked outside and noticed the frost and steam rising from the pond. It was beautiful so I snapped some quick pics. Sorry there a little shaky/blurry it was COLD outside!!! I am not sure whether or not this was the first frost for us this Fall, but it is the first one I have been up early enough to witness. I thought I would share my pics with you. Hope you are all enjoying some beautiful Fall weather as well.

October 14, 2009

Hello Baby

Wonderful news from the Azevedo family. We are going to have a little bundle of joy around mid April. Gender to be announced in the weeks to come . . .

Here are the first and second bunch of ultra sound pics we have of our little one.

8 weeks - Our little one is hanging upside down like a bat. Very appropriate for Halloween.

8 weeks- Still upside down. The little round object beside the baby is the yolk sac.

12 weeks - The placenta is at the top of the screen and our little one is laying on the bottom on their side. The head is at the left side of the screen. The arms are to the right at the top and bottom of the abdomen and at the far right the legs.

12 weeks - Same view as above. Just with a little more arm and leg movement.

12 weeks - The face (eyes, nose and mouth)

The official and fancy ultrasound will be in 3 more weeks. So more pics to come.

October 5, 2009

American Royal BBQ

So this is my favorite time of year! Fall. The time when the trees are changing colors and the weather is getting cooler. Here in KC this is also the time for barbecue. There is a wonderful smoky aroma in the air at night. It is wonderful! This is definitely not the time of year for vegetarians. :)

So Modern PT sponsored a local BBQ team this year! They are "Howlin Wolfe's BBQ". Last Friday night we went out to support them (or more accurately sample their food). From what everyone told me the barbecue was great! Here are some pics of their set up and our logo on their banner. The pics were taken on Tony's blackberry at night so the quality is a little less than Esteban's normal but it is enough to get the picture (literally). Happy Fall to all!

Howlin Wolfe's BBQ Central

Lisa and myself posing as usual :)